Members Present:  Peg Arguimbau, Corey Snow, Robert Young, George Bailey, Arnold Cohen and Janet Sargent-Tracy            Absent:  Arnold Kublin


Visitors Signed In:  Ken Wertz, Jane Desberg, Alice Cheyer, Laura Nelson, Joanne Douglas, Steve Hyman, Janet Abrahamson, Edward Abrahamson, William Appel, Jessie Kravette, Barbara Schupin, Lois Miller, Richard Goldstein, Mary Tobin, Paul Skolnik, Katherine Roth, Nancy Le, Walter Joe Roach, Samson Liao


Meeting called to order at 7:08 pm by Chairman George Bailey, who outlined the agenda.


Secretary’s Report:  Seeking approval of the minutes of January 25, 2007 and March 1, 2007.  January 25th Minutes were amended to strike Mr. Cohen’s alleged statement on page 4.  Mr. Snow moved to accept the minutes as amended, Mr. Cohen seconded and they were accepted unanimously.  Mr. Snow said that he cannot accept the March 1st Minutes.  Michele Thoener, the secretary for the CPC, had not made changes that were requested by Mssrs. Snow and Young or Ms. Arguimbau.  Mr. Snow moved that that we review these Minutes at the next CPC meeting when the changes can be made.  Mr. Cohen seconded and it was voted unanimously. 

Mr. Bailey announced that Michele Thoener, our secretary, resigned earlier today, citing personal reasons.  Mr. Bailey was in contact with the secretary search sub-committee’s runner up for the position, Dana Provencal.  Mr. Bailey spoke with Ms. Provencal and she agreed to come to work for us.  Mr. Young asked if we need to vote to hire her.  Mr. Bailey said that we could just approve his hiring her temporarily to finish Minutes and she will review the DVD of this meeting and type up Minutes.  He was not prepared to discuss her resume and asked if the CPC had a consensus to prepare complete Minutes from Mr. Young’s notes.  Mr.Young said that he could prepare the Minutes for this meeting and Mr. Cohen agreed that it seemed silly to hire Ms. Provencal so quickly.  The members agreed that Mr. Young could prepare the Minutes for this meeting.


Treasurer’s Report:  Corey Snow

Report was handed out and made a part of these minutes.  Mr. Snow made projections based upon CPC approving all of the projects before us.  He also adjusted his figures to represent a drop in the state match for f/y 2009 of 50%.  Mr. Bailey discussed that the MAPC legislative committee met with CP Coalition Director, Stuart Saginor, and representatives from the legislature and that they had discussed the likely drop in state CPA matches.  Mr. Snow pointed out that there has been a major decline in the registry of deeds transactions, which is where the state match for CPA funds is derived.

Given all of the things before us now our balance would drop to just $26,495. This assumes MBNA financed at $850,000 for 10 years.  An error was made in the Historical Commission’s request for its Inventory Request and Mr. Snow will adjust that figure downward by $10,000.



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Given the new matching numbers, Mr. Snow made a couple of charts showing that if we max. out our debt capacity payments to cover the debts will be half of what we take in and will be approaching 2/3 of total CPA revenue.  Ms. Sargent-Tracy asked if Mr. Snow could tell us how this compares with other towns.  Mr. Snow said that he looked at some other towns.  Many communites don’t have any debt.  I found some that had debt, but not like this.  I only sampled three or four towns.  Mr. Bailey said that he has made a complete analysis.  He said that 90% of land purchases are done with revenues on hand because they have accumulated funds.  Our purchases or the ones we are looking at are in the 95th percentile of cost per acre.  Kathy Roth, from the CP Coalition, challenged Mr. Bailey’s figures.  Mr. Bailey said that he has studied economics for many years and that he got his numbers from Ms. Roth’s organization and had submitted his analysis for Ms. Roth to look over.  They agreed that a closer look would be welcomed.    


The borrowing at 5% over ten years will add 25% to the cost.


Mr. Bailey passed out a model which goes through ten years of projections.  Mr. Bailey thought that our finances could not handle paying any debt for an MBNA Request purchase.  He took the entire charge and put it in f/y 2008, again assuming that we approve all of the projects before us plus what we have already approved.  He’ll put this spreadsheet up on the website.  The only area that we will have any direct money left at the end of ten years would be historic preservation.  He suggests that everyone study these.  Of the 70% of funds which can be allocated to any of the four areas at the end of 10 years he projects that 28% would have been used for Open Space, 18% for Affordable Housing, 15% for Recreation and 9% for Historic Preservation.


Mr. Bailey and Mr. Snow also announced that there are other sources of revenues that might be looked at in the future such as hotel tax revenues.  His figures and those of Mr. Snow show that there will basically be no borrowing capacity by CPC for the next 5 years if we approve the MBNA purchase.



Horizons for Youth Request:  The Town of Sharon Engineering Department is requesting funds for a survey that needs to be conducted on the HFY land.  After some discussion Mr. Bailey suggested that we put this off until the next meeting.  This was sent via e-mail to committee members.


Mr. Young announced an invitation from the Taunton Watershed Valley Authority to apply for potential grants, but that it was received after the date for submissions.  We at least have been alerted to the fact that there are grant opportunities that we should be looking for having to do with Open Space purchases.





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Second Votes:

Drake Cemetery Reclamation Project:  Mr. Young moved that we waive the reading of the report and asked for a second vote on the project and that we award the $500 to the proponent without regard to any matching money.  Mr. Cohen seconded.  It was passed unanimously.  This moves on to Town Meeting.


Historical Commission Application for Updated and Complete Inventory:  Mr. Young submitted the Massachusetts Historical Commission’s grant application and they will make their decision on April 11, 2007.  Mr. Young also passed out copies of current Inventory forms to show what they looked like.  Mr. Snow moved that we reaffirm the vote taken at the last meeting to approve spending $25,000 to complete an Inventory of Historic Properties.  Mr. Cohen seconded.  It was passed unanimously and will move on to Town Meeting.


New Proposals (First Votes):


MBNA:  Ms. Lois Miller passed out a letter outlining modifications to the MBNA proposal.  Basically the developer has offered to include the home at 9 Glenview Road to be used (on approximately ½ acre) and +/- 10.2 acres.  The house and lot would add $250,000 to the cost and would be sold as affordable housing for approximately $200,000 (assessment is for $319,000).  One abutter has agreed to make an outright donation to purchase land while two others have made an offer to purchase land that would be restricted.  The developer has agreed to extend the closing date to November, 2007 not only to enable a vote at May Town Meeting, but to give the town an opportunity to apply for a state self help grant.  This project now meets three important CPC goals of acquiring Open Space, adding to Affordable Housing and enhancing recreation.


Extending to November gives the Housing Partnership an opportunity to do everything they need to develop a plan for this part of the proposal.  Mr. Cohen asked what the condition of the home was and did it need repairs.  Ms. Miller said that the home was in fine shape but that her group would feel comfortable with agreeing to handle any expenses related to any repairs or updating that the home may need in order to convert it to affordable housing.  Mr. Cohen further asked about whether an appraisal is still outstanding.  It is his understanding that the appraisal cannot count this as a 40B.  Ms. Miller said that it an appraisal could be based upon a 40B.  She raised this issue with Trust for Public Land as well as other appraisers.


Mr. Young noted that we were told by the Board of Selectmen that TPL sent a letter on March 15, 2007 declining to participate, mainly because they were not able to negotiate further with the developer and that MBNA had negotiated the lowest possible trust with this owner.  The letter also discussed their concern with the appraisal process and that one factor of this concern was the neighbors who agreed to purchase part of the parcel….if they made a direct gift it would likely solve any difficulties.  Ms. Miller said that they were working on that.

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Mr. Cohen expressed additional concerns with the appraisal and with the Zoning Board decision.  The ZBA will be making their recommendation on Monday, April 9th.


Alice Cheyer discussed concerns about a meeting called by Selectman William Heitin, which was held prior to this CPC meeting, where Mr. Bailey said that we do not have borrowing capacity to purchase the Glendale property.  There is borrowing capacity to buy the land and the house if the length of time is extended.  Mr. Bailey explained that he can plug in numbers to his model, but you don’t gain a lot of money when you extend the time because you increase the cost of borrowing.  We might be able to finagle this project if we give other projects the boot.  Mr. Snow reminded that we cannot assume any state match when we borrow monies.


Kathy Roth, speaking as a representative of the Community Preservation Coalition, suggested that another source of revenue is an increase in the CPA surcharge, that if Town Meeting saw the value of projects before us and in the future a suggested increase is another option in getting mire funds and that other communities are looking to do this now.


Mr. Bailey spoke with state conservation parties and reminded us that our town needs to complete its Open Space and Recreation Plan by this July in order to qualify for application of matching funds for open space acquisitions.  Ms. Arguimbau said that just a draft was required by that time and felt that her committee will have reached that point by July.  She also asked the MBNA applicant if we (CPC or Town Meeting) were to fund only part of the funds would the acquisition be able to go forward?  Lois Miller said that it would depend on whether there was enough money that could be raised privately but that there isn’t much time.  Abutters would make sure things like a ready house, survey and interim insurance would be provided for the home at 9 Glenview Road.  Mr. Cohen wanted to know if that was going to be a part of our vote, if it would be guaranteed by MBNA. 


Mr. Bailey brought up the issue of appraisals and that the CPC could decide to exclude the home at 9 Glenview Road, that some of the issues were confusing and that members might prefer to only purchase the land without the house for affordable housing.  Mr. Bailey added that the value of the land might be enhanced by a taking of a private way (Glendale Road Extension) by eminent domain.  To which Ms. Miller objected and stated that her group would not support that.  Mr. Young expressed discomfort with the CPC being involved with seizing private property, especially in light of more than one land court decision regarding this piece of property. 







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Other objections were raised by members of the public in attendance and a request was made for the CPC to make a motion and vote upon it one way or the other.  Mr. Cohen was concerned that the new issue of adding an affordable home was not discussed before.  There was important information discussed at a meeting which was attended by only three of the CPC members (called by Selectman Heitin) and this information also needed to be discussed. 


Approximately two and a half hours of debate ensued.  The issue of eminent domain was prominent and mention of potential future projects, such as an opportunity to buy the land at Camp Gannett, were vetted.  Once we established what was acceptable to the proponent and had a better understanding of what they would commit to and heard from Jane Desberg that the Housing Partnership was interested in the affordable housing component, Ms. Arguimbau made the following motion:

The Community Preservation Committee recommends that Town Meeting approve the allocation of $1,100,000 (some part or all of it to be financed by a bond) to purchase +/- 10.7 acres of land located between Billings Street and Glendale/Glenview Roads (sometimes referred to as the land in the Glendale Village application) for the purposes of open space, recreation, and affordable housing and conditional upon:

    1.  A valid appraisal submitted by MBNA on or before April 12, 2007

    2.  Determination of the condition, salability and value to the town of #9 Glenview Road for use as affordable housing

    3.  Massapoag Brook Neighborhood Association assumes responsibility, by contract, for services associated with the completion of the project such as surveying, certification of the condition of the house at #9 Glenview Road and interim insurance on the house between the time of purchase of the parcel and the eventual sale of the house

    4.  Affordable Housing will be designated at #9 Glenview Road only

    5.  Recreational uses will be passive recreation use only

Mr. Bailey moved to amend the motion to include an option to locate affordable housing elsewhere on the parcel.  This was seconded by Mr. Snow.  Discussion:  Mr. Cohen felt that this amendment unnecessarily complicates the issue and that it seems clear to him that the only way to build affordable units elsewhere on this property would be to take land by eminent domain.  Mr. Bailey said that we could introduce the option of the land taking at Town Meeting.  Mr. Cohen said that he has dealt with eminent domain issues on the Planning Board and they are always messy.  Mr. Bailey stated that the town made an error many years ago by not laying out the road properly.  Mr. Bailey decided to withdraw the amendment and reserves the right to come back with this in three weeks, Mr. Snow agreed to withdraw the amendment.   The original motion, as voted on March 22, 2007 4-2-0 on the motion of Ms. Arguimbau and seconded by Ms. Sargent-Tracy.  In Favor:  Arguimbau, Cohen, Sargent-Tracy & Young  Opposed:  Bailey & Snow


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Housing Trust:  The seven Trustees have been empanelled.  This application has been discussed before and we heard from Jane Desberg.  Ms. Desberg is the Chairperson of the Housing Partnership, which is a distinct and separate town board.  She explained why an ongoing funding plan for the Housing Trust would help to develop affordable housing and work with developers coming to our town.  The Partnership would be one of the beneficiaries of Housing Trust allocations.


Mr. Bailey introduced discussion of an interview of Jennifer Goldson by the sub-committee which interviewed consultants.  He discussed with her an option of hiring her as a consultant on this and other applications.


Mr. Young moved that we advance for consideration at Town Meeting the approval of granting $100,000 to the Sharon Housing Trust for the development of future affordable housing projects.  This was seconded by Ms. Sargent-Tracy.  A vote of 5-1-0 was recorded, with Mr. Snow opposed.


Mr. Young further moved that we hire Jennifer Goldson to help us explore and address options with regard to the Housing Trust application, especially since they indicated that there would be an annual request for funding.  The monies to pay her would come from the CPC administrative funds and is not to exceed $5,000.  Ms. Arguimbau seconded and a unanimous vote in favor was recorded.


School Department Requests:  Mr. Bailey indicated that he met with the Capital Outlay Committee to discuss how the Community Preservation Committee operates and suggested that their committee might be able to advise us on whether proposals coming before CPC meet the usual Capital Outlay criteria and also that they may be able to suggest projects to CPC in the future.  With regard to the proposals submitted by the School Department the Capital Outlay Committee, chaired by Paul Linehan, felt that these projects would fall within their committee’s guidelines for capital projects.


We heard from Ken Wertz, Facilities Manager, representing the School Department.  He discussed the three projects which include the playground at Heights Elementary School, walkway lights between Sharon High School and the Memorial Beach entrance, and the cleaning and development of green space in an enclosed courtyard at Sharon High School.


As this discussion concluded at 11:10 pm, Ms. Sargent-Tracy moved that we take these items up for vote at our next meeting and adjourn until then.  Mr. Cohen seconded.  Just prior to our vote, Janet Sargent-Tracy handed the committee her letter of resignation.  Citing personal and business conflicts Ms. Sargent-Tracy submitted her letter to the Board of Selectmen indicating that she would vacate her seat upon the conclusion of Town Meeting.  A vote to adjourn passed unanimously and the meeting ended at

11:15 pm.


The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 12, 2007 at 7:00 pm.